October 26, 2024

Aton Reports New Surface Sampling Results From the Retained Exploration Areas at Abu Marawat, Including 183 g/t Au From Bohlog, 125 g/t Au From Semna, and 67.4 g/t Au From Kab Amira

19 June 2024

Aton Resources Inc.


Aton Resources Inc. updates investors on the progress of its ongoing exploration programmes within the retained exploration areas of the Company’s Abu Marawat Concession (“Abu Marawat” or the “Concession”) in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, including the results of recent surface sampling at several of its regional targets.


  • Aton has recently undertaken further sampling and mapping programmes over several of its regional targets in the Abu Marawat Concession retained exploration areas;
  • A total of 258 selective grab and non-selective surface channel were collected from the Black Gaharish, Bohlog, Kab Amira, Semna and Zeno prospect areas (Figure 1). A further 7 blank and duplicate QAQC samples were also submitted for analysis;
  • 38 samples were collected from the Black Gaharish prospect area, returning assays including 29.9 g/t Au and 9.46 g/t Au;
  • 7 samples were collected from the Bohlog prospect area, returning assays including 183 g/t Au and 14.65 g/t Au;
  • 112 samples were collected from the Kab Amira prospect area, returning assays including 67.4 g/t Au, 44.9 g/t Au and 29.8 g/t Au;
  • 42 samples were collected from the Semna regional prospect area, returning assays including 125 g/t Au, 36.3 g/t Au and 32.5 g/t Au;
  • 59 samples were collected from the Zeno regional prospect area, returning assays including 45.1 g/t Au, 26.9 g/t Au and 24.5 g/t Au;
  • The phase 2 diamond drilling programme has been completed at the Semna prospect, with 28 holes completed for a total drilled meterage of 4,701m. The Company has also now completed a programme of surface sampling and started a c. 3,000m programme of shallow and horizontal diamond drilling at the Abu Marawat deposit, designed to test a highly prospective and previously undrilled area.

“This is another set of excellent surface sampling results, which yet again demonstrate the potential of the Abu Marawat Concession, including the newly identified Kab Amira area, and the very widespread development of gold mineralisation at surface across the areas that have been retained for further exploration” 

“We are proceeding with our exploration programmes on the retained exploration areas, with the clearly defined objective of bringing them into the exploitation lease within the next 4 years. The follow-up phase 2 diamond drilling programme has been completed at Semna, and we look forward to releasing the results of this programme very shortly. We have now returned to the Abu Marawat deposit for the first time since 2012, and where we will be drilling potentially high grade areas outside the existing NI 43-101 resource which were not drilled previously due to the difficulty of access in steep terrain. We are excited by the recent identification by our field team of new mineralised structures at surface in the area we will be drilling. Now that the JV company Abu Marawat Gold Mines, which will operate the Hamama and Rodruin exploitation lease, has been established, we will be pushing ahead with the development of the Hamama West gold mine, which will be the first mine that we plan to develop on the Abu Marawat Concession.”

Tonno Vahk, CEO.

Abu Marawat regional sampling programme

The Company has continued its mapping and sampling programmes over the retained exploration areas in recent months, as part of its long term strategy to ultimately incorporate all of its prospective targets into the Abu Marawat exploitation lease, which is valid for an initial period of 20 years. Many of the Company’s main exploration targets have been exploited in recent years by artisanal miners, predominantly since the Company’s suspension of field activities in 2020 as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, although the Company successfully evicted these illegal miners during 2023 from the Concession. This recent programme continues the sampling and mapping work completed in 2023 (see news releases dated May 29, 2023, June 26, 2023 and July 31, 2023).

Sampling was undertaken at Semna (regional), Bohlog, Zeno, and Black Gaharish and at the recently identified Kab Amira prospect area (Figure 1), predominantly on previously unidentified mineralised structures that have been exploited by the artisanal miners in recent years. The sampling has again confirmed the presence of a well mineralised c. 20 km long corridor stretching from Sir Bakis in the west to the Semna East area on the margin of the Gaharish pluton, including the Sir Bakis, Massaghat, Bohlog, Zeno, Kab Amira, Black Gaharish, Semna and Semna East areas. Mineralisation through this belt is orogenic in style, typically consisting of shear-hosted and structurally controlled high grade quartz veins. To date only the immediate Semna gold mine area, and the central Zeno area have been drill tested. The Company is planning to undertake RC percussion drilling on some of the most promising targets in the retained exploration areas later in 2024, and the results of this current programme will inform the design of these upcoming programmes.

Figure 1: Geological map of the Abu Marawat Concession, showing the locations of the sampled prospects

Samples collected in this programme were predominantly selective manually taken grab and grab composite samples, with relatively subordinate c. 0.5-1m long non-selective in situ chip channel samples across potentially mineralised structures. A total of 265 samples were collected from the programme including 7 QAQC samples, consisting of 5 blank and 2 duplicate samples. All samples were analysed for gold, silver and copper, with most of the samples also analysed for lead and zinc. Selected results from the programme are presented in Table 1, and full assay results are presented in Appendix A.

Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-46117Black Gaharish5550092922900Grab composite29.904.078357
AHA-46126Black Gaharish5557282922702Grab8.723.819298
AHA-46137Black Gaharish5557822921561Grab9.465.84,410332,010
AHA-46142Black Gaharish5563212922391Grab5.250.2414
AHA-45994Bohlog5517482919578Ore pile grab14.653.110154104
AHA-45995Bohlog5518592919625Ore pile grab7.143.829914166
AHA-45799Kab Amira5528512921563Ore pile grab17.104.7143n/an/a
AHA-45800Kab Amira5528532921553Ore pile grab17.655.6173n/an/a
AHA-45922Kab Amira5527052921167Grab12.752.81641342,310
AHA-45942Kab Amira5529082919793Grab5.521.6194112109
AHA-45943Kab Amira5529072919789Grab15.104.4364326160
AHA-45946Kab Amira5529362919718Grab44.9014.33731,095508
AHA-45950Kab Amira5530922922357Grab24.101.8448970
AHA-45952Kab Amira5531002922354Grab9.520.7237649
AHA-45959Kab Amira5529862922598Grab29.805.2102140946
AHA-45960Kab Amira5528972922556Grab6.130.2526321
AHA-46004Kab Amira5529802920950Grab15.954.4362289
AHA-46006Kab Amira5540412919885Grab6.463.61452,8401,250
AHA-46013Kab Amira5527302919962Grab12.353.7209869659
AHA-46022Kab Amira5545302921342Grab composite7.511.53101141
AHA-46025Kab Amira5528432921555Grab9.413.51531,2551,390
AHA-46026Kab Amira5528632921552Grab67.4024.93175,8303,930
AHA-46050Semna5587772924731Chip channel32.502.6361414
AHA-46170Semna5589512923939Chip channel (single)36.3034.828,960535
AHA-46212Semna5591682923477Chip channel (single)13.901.9740592
AHA-45795Zeno5540962925155Ore pile grab8.812.382n/an/a

Table 1: Selected surface sampling results

Discussion of results

Black Gaharish

The Black Gaharish area is located approximately 4 km southwest of the Semna gold mine, and approximately 23 km east-northeast of the Company’s Hamama West deposit (Figure 1). The gold mineralisation at Black Gaharish is frequently associated with flat lying structures within intrusive granodioritic host rocks, and is sometimes associated with minor copper staining in the mineralised quartz veins. Mineralisation is considered to be structurally controlled and orogenic in nature, and of a similar style to that at the Semna mine, and the Zeno prospect. A single grab sample of vein quartz from an ancient working previously returned an assay grade of 16.5 g/t Au (see news release dated September 13, 2017).

During the current sampling programme 38 selective grab samples were collected from the Black Gaharish area, as well as 1 blank QAQC sample, with selected results shown in Table 1, and all results provided in Appendix A.

5 (13%) of the Black Gaharish samples from the current programme returned assays greater than 5 g/t and 11 (29%) returned assays greater than 1 g/t Au (Figure B3), including individual samples grading up to 29.9 g/t Au (sample AHA-46117), associated with a narrow iron oxide stained shear zone-hosted composite quartz vein.


The Bohlog area is located approximately 8-9 km west-southwest of the Semna gold mine, and approximately 7.5 km north of the Company’s Rodruin deposit (Figure 1), and was a significant mining area in ancient times. Illegal artisanal miners have been active in the Bohlog area in recent years. The gold mineralisation at Bohlog (Zones 1 to 4) is spatially related to the late Bohlog granite, which is intruded into early orogenic ‘grey granites’, and has a distinctive Au-W-Pb-Cu geochemical signature. The mineralisation at Zone 5 is more similar to the orogenic style of mineralisation identified throughout the c. 20 km long Sir Bakis-Semna East mineralised corridor.

In early 2017 the Company’s field crews carried out a programme of grab and channel sampling at Bohlog which returned assays of up to 21.1 g/t Au (see news release dated June 7, 2017). Follow-up deep trenching returned mechanical saw-cut channel sample intercepts including 1.57 g/t Au over a 20m interval and 1.65 g/t Au over a 9m interval from Bohlog Zone 2 (see news release dated February 28, 2018).

During 2018 mineralization was identified over an area covering at least 275m x 125m at Bohlog Zone 5 with selective surface grab samples returning grades of up to 18.30 g/t Au and 17.85 g/t Au from sheared quartz veins and ancient dumps. Surface channel sampling profiles also returned mineralised intersections including 1.82 g/t Au over a 6m interval (see news release dated February 28, 2018).

During the current sampling programme 7 selective grab samples were collected from the Bohlog Zone 5 area, with selected results shown in Table 1, and all results provided in Appendix A.

3 of the 7 Bohlog samples from the current programme returned assays greater than 10 g/t (Figure B4), including individual samples grading up to 183.0 g/t Au (sample AHA-45993). This sample from a recent artisanal working contained very abundant visible coarse gold (Figure 2). Lead and silver were also significantly elevated in this sample.

Kab Amira

The recently identified Kab Amira prospect is located approximately 6-8 km southwest of the Semna gold mine, and approximately 6-8 north of the Company’s Rodruin deposit (Figure 1), and covers an overall area of approximately 10 km2. Mineralisation at Kab Amira is considered to be of a continuation of that in the Zeno, Semna and Bohlog Zone 5 areas, manifested by shear-hosted and structurally controlled high grade quartz veins, and is again very typical of the orogenic style mineralisation throughout the entire Sir Bakis-Semna East mineralised corridor. Mineralised structures are typically flat-lying at Kab Amira, as at the Black Gaharish prospect. Significant small scale artisanal mining has again taken place at Kab Amira since 2020.

Figure 2: Visible gold in an iron-stained quartz vein from sample AHA-45993 (Bohlog Zone 5)

The Company has undertaken very limited previous sampling at Kab Amira, but in 2023 surface sampling was undertaken in the wider Bohlog area, which returned an assay of 48.4 g/t Au, from the previously unsampled southern Kab Amira area, approximately 1 km east of Bohlog Zone 5 (see news release dated May 29, 2023).

During the current sampling programme 97 selective grab and grab composite samples and 15 non-selective chip channel samples were collected from the Kab Amira area, as well as 2 blank and 2 duplicate QAQC samples, with selected results shown in Table 1, and all results provided in Appendix A.

10 (9%) of the Kab Amira samples from the current programme returned assays greater than 10 g/t and 57 (51%) returned assays greater than 1 g/t Au (Figures B4 and B5). Individual samples returned assays including 67.4 g/t Au (sample AHA-46026), 44.9 g/t Au (sample AHA-45946), 29.8 g/t Au (sample AHA-45959), and 24.1 g/t Au (sample AHA-45950), confirming the discovery of high grade mineralisation at surface at Kab Amira. The higher grade samples from Kab Amira typically contained significantly elevated levels of lead, as at Bohlog Zone 5 (see above), and to a lesser extent elevated silver and sometimes zinc, whereas copper was generally quite low.

Semna (regional)

The Semna gold mine is located approximately 27 km east-northeast of the Hamama West deposit and 13 km north-northeast of the Rodruin deposit (Figure 1). Semna has a long history of gold mining, during both ancient and modern times, and was mined in the early 20th century by two British companies. RC percussion drilling during 2023 at Semna intersected high grade mineralisation (see news releases dated October 13, 2023, November 7, 2023 and December 18, 2023). The Company has recently completed a follow-up diamond drill programme at Semna, and will report the final results from this programme very soon.

During 2017 surface channel sampling at Semna returned mineralised intercepts including 5.17 g/t Au over an interval of 9.7m at surface, and individual channel samples grading up to 18.05 g/t Au (see news release November 22, 2017). Follow-up surface sampling at Semna during 2023 returned assay results including 27.6 g/t Au, 24.0 g/t Au and 16.95 g/t Au (see news release dated May 29, 2023). Additional regional sampling east of the main Semna mine area returned assays including 25.7 g/t Au, 16.55 g/t Au and 15.2 g/t Au (see news release dated July 31, 2023).

During the current sampling programme 19 selective grab and grab composite samples and 23 non-selective chip channel samples were collected from the Semna regional area, as well as 1 blank QAQC sample, with selected results shown in Table 1, and all results provided in Appendix A.

7 (12%) of the Semna regional samples from the current programme returned assays greater than 5 g/t and 18 (43%) returned assays greater than 1 g/t Au (Figure B6). Individual samples returned assays including 125.0 g/t Au (grab sample AHA-46171), 36.3 g/t Au (chip channel sample AHA-46170), and 32.5 g/t Au (sample AHA-46050). Samples AHA-46170 and AHA-46171 were taken from a single quartz vein structure, approximately 800m south-southeast of the Semna Main Vein zone (“MVZ”), and also contained significantly elevated copper and silver, as does locally the MVZ. Several other samples also carried significantly elevated levels of copper, however zinc and lead assays were typically quite low, again similar to the MVZ. This latest tranche of results confirms the potential for additional high grade mineralised structures in the regional Semna area, similar to the Semna MVZ.


The Zeno prospect area is located approximately 12 km north of the Rodruin mineral deposit and 4-7 km west of the Semna gold mine (Figure 1), and has extensive ancient workings over an area of greater than 10 km2. Artisanal miners have been very active in the general Zeno area since 2020. Aton completed a first pass RC percussion drilling programme at Zeno during 2023, returning intersections including 9.77 g/t Au over a 3m interval and 4.16 g/t Au over a 6m interval (see news release dated February 1, 2024).

Previous surface sampling by Aton of visible gold and iron oxide bearing quartz veins returned assays including 117.5 g/t Au, 100.5 g/t Au, 72.3 g/t Au, 56.5 g/t Au and 48.3 g/t Au (see news release dated May 30, 2018), 104.5 g/t Au, 67.1 g/t Au and 43.0 g/t Au (see news release dated June 26, 2023), and 36.2 g/t Au and 15.3 g/t Au (see news release dated July 31, 2023).

The current sampling programme was focussed on the northern and northwestern part of the overall Zeno area, where relatively limited surface sampling had previously been undertaken. 59 selective grab samples were collected during this programme, as well as 1 blank QAQC sample, with selected results shown in Table 1, and all results provided in Appendix A.

5 (12%) of the Zeno samples from the current programme returned assays greater than 10 g/t and 18 (31%) returned assays greater than 1 g/t Au (Figure B7). Individual samples returned assays including 45.1 g/t Au (sample AHA-45698), 26.9 g/t Au (sample AHA-45713), and 24.5 g/t Au (sample AHA-45792), further expanding the mineralised footprint at Zeno to the west and northwest.

Sample processing and analytical procedures

Samples were collected in the field by Aton’s exploration teams. Grab and grab composite samples were selective, whereas chip channel samples were non-selective. Chip channel samples were collected in situ by manually rock chipping across potentially mineralised structures or veins, using a hammer and chisel. Grab and grab composite samples were selective, and were usually, but not necessarily collected in situ, and may have been collected from rock or ore dumps or float material, where indicated.

The samples were weighed and crushed to -4mm onsite at the Rodruin sample prep facility, and split to a nominal c. 250-500g sample size. The coarse crushed reject samples are retained onsite.

The c. 250-500g dried, crushed and split samples were shipped to ALS Minerals sample preparation laboratory at Marsa Alam, Egypt where they were pulverised to a size fraction of better than 85% passing 75 microns. From this pulverised material a further sub-sample was split off with a nominal c. 50g size, which was shipped on to ALS Minerals at Rosia Montana, Romania for analysis. The reject pulps were returned from ALS, and are also retained onsite.

Samples were analysed for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption spectroscopy (“AAS”) finish (analytical code Au-AA23), and for silver, copper, lead and zinc using an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish (analytical code AA45). Any high grade gold samples (>10 g/t Au) were re-analysed using analytical code Au-GRA21 (also fire assay, but with a gravimetric finish). Any high grade Ag and base metal samples (Ag >100 g/t, and Cu, Pb and Zn >10,000 ppm or >1%) were re-analysed using the ore grade technique AA46 (also an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish).

About Aton Resources Inc.

Aton Resources Inc. (AAN: TSX-V) is focused on its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession (“Abu Marawat”), located in Egypt’s Arabian-Nubian Shield, approximately 200 km north of Centamin’s world-class Sukari gold mine. Aton has identified numerous gold and base metal exploration targets at Abu Marawat, including the Hamama deposit in the west, the Abu Marawat deposit in the northeast, and the Rodruin deposit in the south of the Concession. Two historic British gold mines are also located on the Concession at Semna and Sir Bakis. Aton has identified several distinct geological trends within Abu Marawat, which display potential for the development of a variety of styles of precious and base metal mineralisation. The Abu Marawat exploitation lease is 57.66 km2 in size, covering the Hamama West and Rodruin mineral deposits, and was established In January 2024 and is valid for an initial period of 20 years. The Concession also includes an additional 255.0 km2 of exploration areas at Abu Marawat, retained for a further period of 4 years from January 2024. Abu Marawat is located in an area of excellent infrastructure; a four-lane highway, a 220kV power line, and a water pipeline are in close proximity, as are the international airports at Hurghada and Luxor.

Qualified person

The technical information contained in this News Release was prepared by Javier Orduña BSc (hons), MSc, MCSM, DIC, MAIG, SEG(M), Chief Geologist of Aton Resources Inc. Mr. Orduña is a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

For further information regarding Aton Resources Inc., please visit us at www.atonresources.com or contact:


Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 604 318 0390
Email: [email protected]

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions; by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Appendix A: Grab and grab composite samples

Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-46107Black GaharishBlank0.01<0.2510146
AHA-46108Black Gaharish5552042921063Grab4.671.081484
AHA-46109Black Gaharish5552242921237Grab0.05<0.28124
AHA-46110Black Gaharish5552202921237Grab0.250.32552119
AHA-46111Black Gaharish5553752921818Grab0.560.2391137344
AHA-46112Black Gaharish5553752921818Grab0.04<0.2436309
AHA-46113Black Gaharish5548652922459Grab1.590.321320
AHA-46114Black Gaharish5548982922419Grab0.12<0.217127
AHA-46115Black Gaharish5548962922420Grab0.790.587717
AHA-46116Black Gaharish5548962922420Grab1.710.3985570
AHA-46117Black Gaharish5550092922900Grab composite29.904.078357
AHA-46118Black Gaharish5550032922893Grab0.04<0.210127
AHA-46119Black Gaharish5550052922887Grab composite3.521.029712605
AHA-46120Black Gaharish5548172923111Grab composite0.420.377627
AHA-46121Black Gaharish5548432923100Grab0.15<0.27223
AHA-46122Black Gaharish5549312923056Grab0.080.21118
AHA-46123Black Gaharish5550092922962Grab0.02<0.234224
AHA-46124Black Gaharish5557002922669Grab2.630.9345608
AHA-46125Black Gaharish5557372922711Grab1.030.468424
AHA-46126Black Gaharish5557282922702Grab8.723.819298
AHA-46127Black Gaharish5557352922710Grab0.120.41155207
AHA-46128Black Gaharish5556052922969Grab0.330.6738537
AHA-46129Black Gaharish5555932922954Grab5.622.6313121,690
AHA-46130Black Gaharish5556052922969Grab composite0.910.869241,205
AHA-46131Black Gaharish5558942922249Grab0.03<0.29136
AHA-46132Black Gaharish5558952922250Grab0.210.31836161
AHA-46133Black Gaharish5551002922899Grab0.370.53567246
AHA-46134Black Gaharish5554592922322Grab0.08<0.29432
AHA-46135Black Gaharish5555432922184Grab0.03<0.26311
AHA-46136Black Gaharish5555422922184Grab0.02<0.25558
AHA-46137Black Gaharish5557822921561Grab9.465.84,410332,010
AHA-46138Black Gaharish5562142922353Grab0.17<0.28213
AHA-46139Black Gaharish5562142922353Grab0.540.450669
AHA-46140Black Gaharish5562172922353Grab composite0.07<0.213485
AHA-46141Black Gaharish5562172922353Grab composite0.22<0.231690
AHA-46142Black Gaharish5563212922391Grab5.250.2414
AHA-46143Black Gaharish5563812922194Grab0.27<0.2325
AHA-46144Black Gaharish5562562922286Grab composite0.04<0.213483
AHA-46145Black Gaharish5562572922285Grab0.02<0.25126
AHA-45994Bohlog5517482919578Ore pile grab14.653.110154104
AHA-45995Bohlog5518592919625Ore pile grab7.143.829914166
Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-45999Bohlog5519682919637Chip channel (single)1.721.01231081,195
AHA-45799Kab Amira5528512921563Ore pile grab17.104.7143n/an/a
AHA-45800Kab Amira5528532921553Ore pile grab17.655.6173n/an/a
AHA-45907Kab AmiraBlank0.01<0.2107194
AHA-45908Kab Amira5540142919313Grab0.380.43311537
AHA-45909Kab Amira5538622919395Ore pile grab1.32<0.216213
AHA-45910Kab Amira5538582919444Grab0.03<0.2226
AHA-45911Kab Amira5537452919573Grab3.03<0.2265435
AHA-45912Kab Amira5537462919573Grab0.37<0.22875881
AHA-45913Kab Amira5538032919179Grab0.08<0.2539
AHA-45914Kab Amira5538022919178Grab0.450.24331
AHA-45915Kab Amira5538112919182Grab0.01<0.24237
AHA-45916Kab Amira5537962919206Grab0.01<0.23393
AHA-45917Kab Amira5530592921189Grab0.03<0.271720
AHA-45918Kab Amira5527882921468Grab0.620.211885
AHA-45919Kab Amira5527892921471Grab1.900.91613107
AHA-45920Kab Amira5527722921489Grab0.03<0.2339100
AHA-45921Kab Amira5527062921167Grab2.320.3125170
AHA-45922Kab Amira5527052921167Grab12.752.81641342,310
AHA-45923Kab Amira5527022921162Grab0.02<0.2116178
AHA-45924Kab Amira5526152921141Grab3.890.62152235
AHA-45925Kab Amira5526902921030Grab3.511.324237831
AHA-45926Kab Amira5526922921025Grab0.14<0.2131281
AHA-45927Kab Amira5526502921085Grab0.04<0.23336
AHA-45928Kab Amira5526502921084Grab1.42<0.21018314
AHA-45929Kab Amira5525172921048Grab0.500.35946769
AHA-45930Kab Amira5525202921052Grab2.360.524043962
AHA-45931Kab Amira5526922921018Chip channel0.01<0.2184108
AHA-45932Kab Amira5526912921017Chip channel0.28<0.21411225
AHA-45933Kab Amira5526922921020Chip channel0.21<0.24920116
AHA-45934Kab Amira5521602921804Grab0.884.3189439
AHA-45935Kab Amira5521582921797Grab0.050.3101338
AHA-45936Kab Amira5518082921855Grab1.790.4421017
AHA-45937Kab Amira5529202921723Grab0.030.21068190
AHA-45938Kab Amira5528962919815Grab0.381.8242517
AHA-45939Kab Amira5528992919820Chip channel0.07<0.2365228
AHA-45940Kab Amira5529002919819Chip channel0.04<0.237434
AHA-45941Kab Amira5528992919817Chip channel0.01<0.220568
AHA-45942Kab Amira5529082919793Grab5.521.6194112109
AHA-45943Kab Amira5529072919789Grab15.104.4364326160
AHA-45944Kab Amira5529072919756Grab0.631.6429245304
AHA-45945Kab Amira5529212919739Grab2.221.6250296146
AHA-45946Kab Amira5529362919718Grab44.9014.33731,095508
AHA-45947Kab Amira5529292919734Grab1.9510.47231,285874
AHA-45948Kab Amira5531052922206Grab1.130.26830
AHA-45949Kab Amira5531042922351Grab3.330.7215195
AHA-45950Kab Amira5530922922357Grab24.101.8448970
AHA-45951Kab Amira5531002922355Grab0.950.2142597
Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-45952Kab Amira5531002922354Grab9.520.7237649
AHA-45953Kab Amira5531002922355Grab1.050.3442574
AHA-45954Kab Amira5530922922356Grab2.680.8325496
AHA-45955Kab Amira5530882922321Chip channel4.851.497197
AHA-45956Kab Amira5530882922321Chip channel0.800.3173395
AHA-45957Kab AmiraDuplicate of AHA-459560.800.4173373
AHA-45958Kab Amira5530872922321Chip channel0.750.51313641
AHA-45959Kab Amira5529862922598Grab29.805.2102140946
AHA-45960Kab Amira5528972922556Grab6.130.2526321
AHA-45961Kab Amira5529272922564Grab2.900.49119
AHA-45962Kab Amira5536192922421Grab0.05<0.21581014
AHA-45963Kab Amira5536462922472Grab4.630.957511
AHA-45964Kab Amira5536432922501Grab3.550.4634
AHA-45965Kab Amira5533292922525Grab0.880.343563
AHA-45966Kab Amira5533332922532Grab1.430.3141931
AHA-45967Kab Amira5531822922757Grab0.150.540435
AHA-45968Kab Amira5531802922753Chip channel (single)0.240.223445
AHA-45969Kab Amira5535492922131Grab0.45<0.221594
AHA-45970Kab Amira5536702922084Grab2.810.417221
AHA-45971Kab Amira5536682922088Grab1.370.226361
AHA-45972Kab Amira5531722922855Chip channel (single)0.500.230359
AHA-45973Kab Amira5531732922842Chip channel (single)1.140.4903211
AHA-45974Kab Amira5531892922807Chip channel (single)0.29<0.219367
AHA-45975Kab Amira5526712922499Grab0.420.22373157
AHA-45976Kab Amira5526602922526Ore pile grab0.161.41142120
AHA-45977Kab Amira5526742922571Grab1.500.82281761,590
AHA-45978Kab Amira5526862922580Ore pile grab3.350.810617832
AHA-45979Kab Amira5529072922099Chip channel (single)0.670.21610109
AHA-45980Kab Amira5528642922098Grab1.03<0.218997
AHA-45981Kab Amira5529572922091Grab composite3.070.4127298
AHA-45982Kab Amira5529872922079Chip channel (single)0.25<0.21241059
AHA-45983Kab Amira5528572922124Grab1.15<0.210535
AHA-45984Kab Amira5528362922001Grab3.180.9213121,125
AHA-45985Kab Amira5526252921583Grab0.04<0.21,240112
AHA-45986Kab Amira5521212921884Grab1.231.88410278
AHA-45987Kab Amira5512902921818Grab0.671.0633618
AHA-45988Kab Amira5513252921843Grab0.030.291102
AHA-45989Kab Amira5513412921486Grab0.512.814642,450
AHA-45990Kab Amira5514952921867Grab1.2312.921211533
AHA-45991Kab Amira5514962921864Grab composite0.070.4171047
AHA-45992Kab Amira5518082921857Grab0.02<0.21126
AHA-46000Kab Amira5532362921813Grab0.20<0.2137321
AHA-46001Kab Amira5532352921817Grab1.680.689311,825
AHA-46002Kab Amira5531792921876Grab0.01<0.278319
AHA-46003Kab Amira5524732921181Grab0.04<0.228915
AHA-46004Kab Amira5529802920950Grab15.954.4362289
AHA-46005Kab Amira5540442919922Grab4.631.36359238
AHA-46006Kab Amira5540412919885Grab6.463.61452,8401,250
Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-46007Kab AmiraBlank0.01<0.267141
AHA-46008Kab Amira5524012919522Grab4.471.010115287
AHA-46009Kab Amira5524192919481Grab0.03<0.22317209
AHA-46010Kab Amira5523512919564Grab1.540.412350
AHA-46011Kab Amira5526002920181Grab composite1.621.14029131
AHA-46012Kab Amira5527182919987Grab1.341.310185975
AHA-46013Kab Amira5527302919962Grab12.353.7209869659
AHA-46014Kab Amira5544742920804Grab composite4.732.84294,2003,140
AHA-46015Kab Amira5543042920796Grab0.02<0.2131927
AHA-46016Kab Amira5546422921191Grab composite0.270.41211637
AHA-46017Kab Amira5546442921203Grab2.330.418418
AHA-46018Kab Amira5542582921041Grab0.250.3121135
AHA-46019Kab Amira5544382921269Grab3.001.2512551
AHA-46020Kab Amira5544352921271Grab0.180.3354553
AHA-46021Kab Amira5544322921264Grab0.03<0.214536
AHA-46022Kab Amira5545302921342Grab composite7.511.53101141
AHA-46023Kab Amira5545272921335Grab composite1.790.5121868
AHA-46024Kab Amira5541842921699Grab0.09<0.2328226
AHA-46025Kab Amira5528432921555Grab9.413.51531,2551,390
AHA-46026Kab Amira5528632921552Grab67.4024.93175,8303,930
AHA-46027Kab AmiraDuplicate of AHA-4602673.9024.83396,3904,160
AHA-46031Semna5586452924613Chip channel0.423.66,690492
AHA-46032Semna5586432924614Chip channel0.09<0.2143392
AHA-46050Semna5587772924731Chip channel32.502.6361414
AHA-46169Semna5589382923925Chip channel (single)0.430.4480219
AHA-46170Semna5589512923939Chip channel (single)36.3034.828,960535
AHA-46173Semna5585392923608Chip channel (single)0.20<0.2183218
AHA-46174Semna5585392923607Chip channel (single)0.530.2949410
AHA-46176Semna5585232923606Chip channel (single)0.02<0.210337
AHA-46177Semna5593972924834Chip channel (single)4.484.055310734
AHA-46179Semna5590832923871Chip channel (single)0.03<0.220327
AHA-46180Semna5590872923867Chip channel (single)0.02<0.231452
AHA-46181Semna5590832923866Chip channel (single)1.250.320647
Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-46203Semna5594262923900Chip channel (single)1.660.56449570
AHA-46204Semna5594202923904Chip channel (single)0.11<0.2455109
AHA-46205Semna5594152923901Chip channel (single)1.81<0.287439
AHA-46206Semna5594082923899Chip channel (single)0.960.217450
AHA-46207Semna5594302923843Chip channel (single)0.01<0.26536
AHA-46208Semna5594032923722Chip channel (single)0.120.9183877
AHA-46209Semna5594032923740Chip channel (single)0.09<0.213839
AHA-46210Semna5592292923692Chip channel (single)0.11<0.2237102
AHA-46211Semna5592232923682Chip channel (single)0.02<0.2357122
AHA-46212Semna5591682923477Chip channel (single)13.901.9740592
AHA-46213Semna5591632923447Chip channel (single)0.350.2863791
AHA-45703Zeno5526482925514Ore pile grab1.810.5542n/an/a
Sample IDProjectENSample typeAu (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu (ppm)Pb (ppm)Zn (ppm)
AHA-45726Zeno5532582926196Ore pile grab0.560.2178n/an/a
AHA-45736Zeno5541582925902Ore pile grab0.36<0.27n/an/a
AHA-45740Zeno5538132925769Ore pile grab0.12<0.26n/an/a
AHA-45795Zeno5540962925155Ore pile grab8.812.382n/an/a
AHA-45796Zeno5529342924804Ore pile grab0.30<0.244n/an/a
Notes:All coordinates are UTM (WGS84) Zone 36RAu analysed using Au-AA23 analytical code, overlimit assays >10 g/t re-analysed using Au-GRA21 analytical coden/a: not assayed

Appendix B: Sample location plans

Figure B3: Black Gaharish prospect – sampling location plan
Figure B4: Bohlog – Kab Amira (southern) prospects- sampling location plan
Figure B5: Kab Amira prospect – sampling location plan
Figure B6: Semna prospect – sampling location plan
Figure B7: Zeno prospect (north-western area) – sampling location plan

SOURCE: Aton Resources, Inc.

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James Hyland, MiningIR