February 12, 2025

Cabral Gold Releases New Animated Video on Cuiú Cuiú Gold Project

9 February 2021

Cabral Gold Inc.


Cabral Gold Inc. (TSX.V:CBR) has just completed a new animated video of the Cuiú Cuiú gold project. This video is an effort to explain the location of the ever expanding list of high-grade targets within the district which Cabral controls 100%.

YouTube video
Cuiú Cuiú Gold Project in Brazil

As you may know, Cuiú Cuiú was the largest placer gold camp (out of ~150 or so areas) in the Tapajos region of Brazil and is next door to ELD’s Tocantinzinho project (TZ). We now have over 40 different targets outside the two known deposits at Central and MG, and 9 of those targets already have high-grade drill intercepts including the Machichie discovery where we recently drilled 34m @ 5.3 g/t gold in a very significant step out hole.  Drilling is currently in progress and should generate a lot of drill results on multiple targets over the next few months.

The Cuiú Cuiú gold project consists of several shear zone-hosted gold deposits that occur within granitic rocks of the Cuiú Cuiú Complex (2,015 Ma), in the Tapajós Region of northern Brazil. This region was the site of a major gold rush by artisanal miners from the late 1970s until the late 1990s which, according to the Brazilian Department of Mineral Production (DNPM) had a total historical production of between 20 and 30 million ounces of gold. Cuiú Cuiú was one of the earliest and largest garimpos in the province.  Moreover, Cuiú Cuiú reportedly produced 10x the gold of Eldorado Gold’s Tocantinzinho project from artisanal workings during the Tapajos gold rush.

Cuiú Cuiú Mineralization Style

The Cuiú Cuiú District hosts vein and shear zone gold mineralization within a Proterozoic granitic basement. Mineralization styles include broad lower grade stockwork-style zones (typically grading 1-2g/t Au), and more discrete high-grade veins which can run to well in excess of several ounces per ton. Frequently mineralized structures coincide with the position of mafic dykes, which provide ductile shear planes in the more brittle granitoid host rocks. The crystalline basement itself consists of weakly magnetic granites to magnetite-rich diorites. Many of the higher-grade surface rock chip samples are associated with the more magnetite rich host rocks which border the Tocantinzinho lineament.

More info on Cabral Gold can be found by calling CEO Alan Carter at 604-676-5660 or visiting the company website at http://www.cabralgold.com

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James Hyland, MiningIR