January 27, 2025

Cabral Gold report from Pau de Merenda, Brazil

6 July 2018

It’s going to be a busy autumn for us, following a surge of money into listed companies, most drillers are overbooked and the normally steady flow of results to keep up to date with, will soon become a torrent. We kick off with an update from the Cabral Gold (CBR.V $0.250  | CBGZF $0.170*) saprolite gold project in Pau de Merenda, Northern Brazil. A brief introduction to the region’s existing mining can be found in this 2006 short film.


  • Recent saprolite (weathered bedrock) sampling by auger drilling and pitting beneath deep cover in the Central – Pau de Merenda target corridor returned highly anomalous results in both gold counts and geochemical analyses
  • Individual top-of-saprolite samples returned peak values of 18.7 g/t Au. Gold counts in places exceeded 100 per sample
  • These results define a mineralized corridor extending for a minimum of 4km in a NW-SE direction (open along strike). The Central deposit, which contains 485,000oz (5.9MMt @ 0.9g/t Au + Inferred resources of 8.7MMt @ 1.1g/t Au), currently occupies the southeastern 1.2km of this 4km long anomaly
Cabral's Cuiú Cuiú project is located in the Tapajos region of North-West Brazil
Cabral’s Cuiú Cuiú project is located in the Tapajos region of North-West Brazil (Image – Google)

The Cuiú Cuiú Project hosts the largest of the historical alluvial gold camps in the Tapajós region of Northern Brazil, having yielded an estimated 2MMoz of gold from the overall 20-30MMoz gold produced during the Tapajós gold rush. Alluvial workings extend over 850ha on the property but are largely exhausted. The few remaining artisanal workers now process palaeo-valley placer deposits and in places exploit high-grade saprolite mineralization.

Flying over Cabral's project in Northern Brazil
Flying over Cabral’s project in Northern Brazil

The current program of work has involved an initial campaign of channel sampling, pitting and auger drilling, to provide a more precise framework to determine drill targets. Additional trenching and channel sampling are still in progress. The auger drilling and pitting program is directed at tracing the mineralized trends under thick overburden cover using saprolite-cover interface geochemistry.

Samples were taken from the top few meters of the saprolite, which in some areas is covered by a thick residual soil profile, and in others by a thick widespread transported alluvial cover sequence. The latter effectively masks underlying gold in bedrock and shows no significant gold-in-soil surface anomaly. Initial results from top-of-saprolite interface sampling locally returned gold counts exceeding 100, and define an anomalous corridor extending for a minimum of 4km, essentially connecting the Central deposit and the Pau de Merenda targets. The zone is still open along strike to the NW and SE.

Logging laterite profiles in trenches at Cabral's project
Logging laterite profiles in trenches at Cabral’s project

Alan Carter, President & CEO commented

“The auger results from the Central – Pau de Merenda corridor area are very compelling and strongly suggest the presence of a significantly larger area of gold mineralization than is suggested by the current resource at Central. These results come close on the heels of recent high-grade surface rock assay results from the Jerimum Cima target area (see news release of June 19, 2018), which are also located outside the existing resource. I would like to congratulate our exploration team led by Adrian McArthur on their continued success, and look forward to additional results from other targets at Cuiú Cuiú in the coming weeks and months”.

Basic drilling for samples at Cabral's project in Tapajos, Northern Brazil.
Basic drilling for samples at Cabral’s project in Tapajos, Northern Brazil.

Cabral’s management have over 30 years of experience in Brazil with 5 major 43-101 compliant resources: Tocantinzinho, Cuiú Cuiú, Palito, Coringa, and Cajuiero (+5Moz).

To find out more and see their full presentation visit their website: HERE

From the Cabral Gold Inc press release published July 5, 2018.

* share price at 11:45 (CET) based on data provided at www.CabralGold.com.

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