October 26, 2024

Endurance Extends Eagle Zone by 180 m to Depth Deeper Intersections include 15.68 gpt Gold over 2.8 m & 7.91 gpt Gold over 3.7 m

3 August 2023

Endurance Gold Corporation


Endurance Gold Corporation provide an update on the ongoing exploration program at its Reliance Gold Project (the “Property”). Assay results are reported herein for four of the deepest holes drilled to date in the Eagle Zone. The Property is road accessible and located 4 kilometres (“km”) east of the village of Gold Bridge, and 10 km north of the historic Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mining Camp which has produced over 4 million ounces of gold.

Assay results reported in Table 1 are from the first four Eagle Zone drill holes completed in 2023. Highlight intersections are shown on the longitudinal section on Figure 1. This 2023 Eagle Zone drilling is testing for down-dip extensions of mineralization in the footwall of the Royal Shear fault that is blind to surface. Three of the four drill holes reported herein have intersected significant gold mineralization. Highlights include:

  • DDH23-069 drilled at -45 degrees returned four intersections. The most significant intersection was 15.68 gpt gold over 2.8 metres (“m“) including 51.9 gpt gold over 0.5 m commencing at 168.6 m downhole depth.
  • DDH23-070 drilled at -45 degrees returned six intersections commencing at 194 m downhole depth. The most significant intersection was 7.91 gpt gold over 3.7 m including 11.73 gpt gold over 1.2 m. Mineralization was intersected to a downhole depth of 284 m which is one of the deepest confirmed intersections to date at the Eagle Zone.
  • DDH23-067 drilled at -45 degrees returned two intersections of 1.15 gpt gold over 19.8 m and 3.0 gpt gold over 11.2 m, commencing at 126.2 m and 190.7 m downhole, respectively.

Drilling has now been conducted at the Diplomat, Imperial and Eagle Zones with fourteen (14) holes completed in 2023 for over 4,000 m of the ongoing 15,000 m program.

“We are pleased to see the Eagle Zone expand at depth as we continue to probe for blind mineralization in the footwall of the Royal Shear fault. The success of this initial drilling continues to demonstrate the strength of the Eagle Zone system. We look forward to continued expansion with the current planned drill program,” 

stated Robert T. Boyd, CEO of Endurance Gold Corporation.

Recent drilling demonstrates that the Eagle Zone mineralization continues to significant depth, and remains open to extension at depth and along strike. The four reported drillholes successfully intersected Eagle Zone mineralization along a 150 m strike length and extended the down-dip plunge of Eagle by approximately 180 m. Preliminary results from these deeper drillholes indicate that two dominant mineralized structures exist down-dip of the Eagle Zone. Ongoing drilling is testing the importance and continuity of these two structures which appear to be sub-parallel and separated by 60 to 80 m. Drilling also continues to intersect wide zones of quartz veining with mineralized cataclastite breccias along the margins of these veins.

Since 2021, the Company has completed 70 diamond drill holes on the Reliance Property with 47 of these drill holes returning significant intersections of greater than 3 m width with grades exceeding 3.4 gpt gold, and fourteen (14) of these drill holes with excellent intersections as summarized on Table 2.

Forest Fire Update

A forest fire near the Company’s crew house near Gun Lake has resulted in the required evacuation of drill crews and other residents from the area on August 1st. As a result, drilling has been temporarily suspended at the project site, which is not subject to the evacuation order. Core samples have been submitted and assay results are pending. Drilling is expected to resume when the evacuation order is lifted and when it is deemed safe to return to work.

Endurance Gold Corporation is a company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of highly prospective North American mineral properties with the potential to develop world-class deposits.


Robert T. Boyd, President & CEO

Figure 1 – Reliance 2023 Royal Shear Longitudinal

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