Recharge Resources Engages Project Manager And Leases Mobile Offices/Warehouse For Core And QA/QC Ahead Of Upcoming Drill Program At Pocitos 1 Lithium Salar

15 September 2022

Recharge Resources Ltd.

RR: CSE | RECHF: OTC | SL5: Frankfurt 

Recharge Resources Ltd. announce the Company has made an advance of USD $22,475 for the lease of a storage facility in Argentina for QA/QC, geologist office., chain of custody purposes and catering for the upcoming drilling at its Pocitos 1 Lithium Brine Project in Salta, Argentina. Previous core from the 400m DDH is currently stored in Salta.

Recharge is working closely with it’s in-country advisors and has now engaged AIS Resources SA for project management, exchange rate and taxation services related to IVA on the fully funded single 400-meter production diameter well which will confirm the flow rate, lithium content and continuity of lithium brines through brine release measurements that were delineated during previous drill campaigns for the establishment of a NI 43-101 compliant resource.

Video of Pocitos drilling with exceptional flow rate (2018 Drilling):

The high flow rate was encountered in both holes drilled in 2018 at the Pocitos 1 Lithium Project. This high flow rate is expected to result in reduced operational costs with the reduction of pumps required, as well as ensuring the columns have sufficient brine with the Ekosolve™ extraction methodology contemplated at the Pocitos 1 Project.

CEO and director, David Greenway states, “With QA/QC protocols, office and catering now in place at Pocitos with the blessing of the community and funds advanced for the project managers and taxation services, our planned drilling of a production diameter well at the Pocitos 1 lithium salar is moving forward quickly. As you can see from the video link above, and available on the companys website, the impressive flow rates of lithium brines were substantial. With two existing drill holes in place, this new drilling will contribute to establishing a NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate. We have benefitted greatly from an Argentinian geological team which has empowered us to continue to make progress towards our next goals of establishing a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resourcea scoping study of the project, identifying offtake or supply opportunities for lithium products and strategic partners for the Pocitos 1 Project.

About Pocitos 1 Lithium Brine Project

The Pocitos 1 Project is located approximately 10km from the township of Pocitos, Argentina, where there is gas, electricity, mobile telephone and internet services. Pocitos I is approximately 800 hectares and is accessible by road. Previous exploration teams have spent over USD $1.5 million exploring the project, including surface sampling, trenching, TEM geophysics and drilling two 400m holes that had outstanding brine flow results. Locations for immediate follow up drilling have already been designed and identified for upcoming exploration.

Lithium values of up to 125 ppm from Laboratory analysis conducted by Alex Stewart were recorded by A.I.S. Resources Ltd (“AIS”) during the project’s first drill campaign in May 2018. AIS used a double packer sampling system in HQ Diamond drill holes drilled to a depth of 409 metres. The flow of brine was observed to continue for more than 5 hours. Both drill holes had exceptional brine flow rates. Recharge’s plan is to to drill a third production ready drill hole to work towards a NI 43-101 mineral resource calculation.

Qualified Person

Phillip Thomas, BSc Geol, MBusM, FAusIMM, MAIG, MAIMVA, (CMV), a Qualified Person as defined under NI 43-101 regulations, has reviewed the technical information that forms the basis for portions of this news release, and has approved the disclosure herein.

About Recharge Resources

Recharge Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on exploring and developing the production of high-value battery metals to create green, renewable energy to meet the demands of the advancing electric vehicle and fuel cell vehicle market.

All Stakeholders are encouraged to follow the company on its social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

David Greenway

David Greenway, CEO

For further information, please contact:

Recharge Resources Ltd.
Mr. Joel Warawa
Phone: 778-588-5473
E-Mail: [email protected]

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