Triumph Gold going deep with 5000m drilling targeting copper gold porphyry in the Yukon

19 June 2019

Triumph Gold


Triumph Gold Commences a Landmark Drill Program on the Freegold Mountain Property, Yukon, Testing Beneath the Gold Rich Blue Sky Porphyry and WAu Breccia

Triumph Gold of Vancouver has announced it’s shortly to start a five hole deep-drilling program to target the high grade, gold rich, copper gold porphyry style mineralization they intersected during the 2018 drill program. They’re using a rig capable of reaching depths of 2000m.

Highlights of the program include:

• Testing the down dip extension of high grade, gold rich, porphyry style mineralization in the Blue Sky Zone to a depth of approximately 1,600 metres.
• Testing the down dip extension of high grade, gold rich, breccia style mineralization and surrounding porphyry mineralization at the WAu Breccia to a depth of approximately 1,000 metres.
• Testing a 2.8 kilometre long, intense chargeability anomaly (Big Red), which underlies the core of a six kilometre long multi-element soil anomaly that delineates a porphyry related hydrothermal system and encompasses the Nucleus, Revenue, Blue Sky and related zones. A 1,000 metre deep drill hole collared approximately two kilometres west of the Blue Sky Zone is planned to test this anomaly.

The target of Phase I drilling is a buried copper gold porphyry that has not been previously tested by drilling. Interpretation of integrated geophysical data from induced polarization (IP), magnetotelluric (MT) and magnetic surveys suggests that a deep porphyry target, over 400 metres below the Revenue and Nucleus gold and copper deposits, cores a six kilometre long coincident geophysical and multi-element soil anomaly. Geology and isotopic age dating indicate that a Late Cretaceous, gold rich, porphyry related mineralizing event generated the near surface Nucleus, Blue Sky, WAu Breccia, Keirsten, Revenue West, Granger and Guder zones. However, since only relatively small porphyry dykes of that age are associated with these zones, a larger causative porphyry intrusion may be buried beneath the current depth of drilling along the six kilometre long mineralized area. In most porphyry deposits the highest grade, most voluminous and continuous mineralization is contained near the interface between the causative intrusion and surrounding rock; that is the area being targeted by the Phase I drill campaign.

Drilling will be focused in three areas: The Blue Sky Zone, the WAu Breccia, and Revenue West. The Blue Sky Zone and WAu Breccia represent areas where high grade mineralization is hosted in broken and altered Middle Cretaceous granite. Triumph’s geologists believe that these mineralized zones, which have regular and predictable geometry, are the best vectors into the causative intrusion that lies beneath. Drilling at Revenue West will test a 500 metre deep chargeability anomaly that coincides with the proposed location of the mineralized zone at the interface with the causative intrusion.
Combined, the three target areas test across an approximately two kilometre strike length, and beneath mineralization that generated high grade, gold and copper intersections, including the Blue Sky Porphyry, which produced some of the highest grade greenfield exploration, porphyry related intersections globally in 2018.

Abbreviated highlights of historical results from the Blue Sky Porphyry, and WAu Breccia are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Abbreviated Highlights of Historical Drilling at Blue Sky Porphyry and WAu Breccia; 

About Triumph Gold Corp.

Triumph Gold Corp. is a growth oriented Canadian-based precious metals exploration and development company. Triumph Gold Corp. is focused on creating value through the advancement of the district scale Freegold Mountain project in Yukon. For maps and more information, please visit

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