October 24, 2024

Casa Minerals kicks off exploration in British Columbia

25 June 2019

Vancouver based Casa Minerals has commenced exploration on their Pitman polymetallic project near Terrace, British Columbia.

Rock surface assays of up to 574 g/t gold and 269 g/t gold have been returned from the Golden Dragon discovery vein, whilst the Dragon Tale discovery outcrops have seen rock assays as high as 231 g/t silver and 6.15% zinc.

The exploration work includes the current geological mapping, a chip channel sample program, and selecting key rock samples for petrographic examination with a view to guiding future exploration.

The 2019 summer drill program is currently being finalised.

Golden Dragon and Dragon Tale:

The Golden Dragon vein network was explored in 2018 by Casa’s field crew. They found multi-level semi-parallel veins of apparent east-west attitude that have been traced intermittently over approximately 500 metres. Numerous occurrences are daylighted on the north facing slopes of the Nass Plateau and are overlain to the west by talus material.
Vein widths vary and in places are as much as three metres and several have not been adequately mapped and sampled.

Rock samples from the Golden Dragon discovery area have returned analyses with very significant gold, silver and base metal values including those in the following table:

The Dragon Tale prospect, located 2.2 km south of the Company’s Golden Dragon gold area, is a possibly significant zone of mixed sulphide mineralization.  Samples from prospecting and rock and soil geochemical sampling of the area returned assays as high as 231 g/t silver and 6.15% zinc. The area has not been adequately sampled:  several samples with significant silver, copper, lead and zinc values are included in the following table:

About Casa Minerals Inc.

Find out more at https://www.casaminerals.com

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties located in Canada. The Company owns a one hundred percent (100%) interest in the polymetallic Pitman and Keaper properties and has an option to acquire a seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Arsenault VMS Property.  Planning and permitting for exploration of the properties is in progress.  

The polymetallic Keaper Property is located 20 kilometers northeast of Terrace, British Columbia, and comprises 3,602 hectares.
The polymetallic Pitman Property comprises four contiguous mineral tenures covering 4,255 hectares and is located 20 kilometers north of Terrace, British Columbia. The mineral claims of the Pitman Property include several historic prospects, including the Pitman copper-molybdenum ± silver prospect, and the Gold Dome and Paddy Mac gold- base metal prospects.  Casa’s field crews have been exploring the Pitman Property for several years and work is continuing with emphasis on further sampling to better define the distribution of gold, copper, silver and molybdenum values. Some parts of the property have only recently become accessible as a result of the retreat of glaciers and permanent snowfields.

Casa’s Arsenault VMS Property comprises eight mineral tenures covering approximately 9,672.5 hectares located in the Atlin Mining Division, British Columbia.  The Company in recent years has conducted several exploration programs on the Arsenault Property and believes that an attractive volcanogenic massive sulphide exploration target may be located within its limits.  Further work is planned, with the objective of proceeding to a drilling program to test several areas identified by geological mapping, prospecting, and geophysical and geochemical surveys.

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James Hyland, MiningIR