September 07, 2024

Endurance Reports Additional Drill Intersections from Eagle and Crown Zones 5.80 gpt Gold over 23.0 Metres Includes 8.52 gpt Gold over 12.7 m

8 January 2024

Endurance Gold Corporation 


Endurance Gold Corporation announce the final set of 2023 drilling results from the Eagle and Crown Zones at its Reliance Gold Project (the “Property“). The Property is road accessible and located 4 kilometres (“km“) east of the village of Gold Bridge, and 10 km north of the historic Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mining Camp which has produced over 4 million ounces of gold.

As previously reported, the 2023 diamond drilling program was completed with 5,301 m in 22 drill holes. The results for the final seven holes of the season are reported herein. Highlights include:

  • DDH23-076 returned 5.80 gpt gold over 23.0 metres (“m”), including 8.52 gpt gold over 12.7 m from the Eagle Zone
  • DDH23-078 returned five (5) significant vein intercepts from the Crown Zone. All veins returned high-grade gold and one vein displayed Visible Gold (“VG”).
    • 8.05 gpt gold over 1.4 m
    • 9.67 gpt gold over 1.2 m (*VG)
    • 5.80 gpt gold over 2.1 m
    • 9.46 gpt gold over 2.0 m
    • 6.56 gpt gold over 2.5m.

“We are pleased to see that drill testing of the Eagle Zone continues to deliver high quality wide drill intersections and remains open at depth and to the south, 550 m from todays best reported intersection” 

“The cluster of visible gold specks in the Crown drill intercept also provides encouragement about the evolving potential at depth at Reliance.”

Robert T. Boyd CEO of Endurance Gold Corporation.

DDH23-076 was drilled from the Eagle 1 outcrop exposure to collect a wide-diameter HQ drill core intercept of near-surface Eagle Zone mineralization which had previously been tested and intersected by reverse circulation (“RC”) drilling. DDH23-076 successfully intersected the mineralized horizon starting at a downhole depth of 9.3 m. The hole returned 5.80 gpt gold over 23.0 m which included a 6.5 m altered but unmineralized feldspar dyke. The margins on either side of the dyke returned 8.52 gpt gold over 12.7 m, and 6.49 gpt gold over 3.6 m, respectively. Core hole DDH23-076 is a 10-metre step-out from RC hole RC20-016 that returned 6.2 gpt gold over 13.7 m (February 2, 2021).

DDH23-078 was drilled from the same Eagle 1 drill pad with a modified azimuth and dip in order to test below the Crown target and target area extensions of drill results reported in DDH23-071 (reported September 5, 2023). The drill hole successfully intersected multiple veins below the Crown outcrop showing. The Crown target has amongst the strongest gold-in-soil anomaly identified to date but previous outcrop sampling has failed to explain this soil anomaly. Core hole DDH23-078 intersected twelve (12) gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins ranging from 40 cm to 2.9 m drill lengths that are down-dip of the Eagle Zone. Five (5) of the veins returned reportable gold intercepts (see Table 1) and one of the veins returned a 5 mm cluster of Visible Gold specks.

About 550 m to the south, DDH23-074 and DDH23-075 were drilled to test the deeper and southern extent of the Eagle South Zone. They were aggressive 100 m step-outs from previous drilling (see longitudinal section Figure 2) and were the last holes initiated in Eagle prior to drilling being halted due to the wildfire evacuation. DDH23-074 returned 1.36 gpt gold over 7.0 m, and 4.7 gpt gold over 2.2 m starting at 213.9 m depth. DDH23-075 returned 2.51 gpt gold over 2.7 m, starting at 256.5 m depth. Both holes intersected gold mineralization associated with encouraging structure and alteration down-dip from the Eagle Zone and indicate the Eagle Zone remains open at depth and to the southeast. The remaining Eagle Zone deep extension targets between DDH23-074 and the Crown area, and testing of the undrilled gap between Eagle and Imperial could not be completed due to the wildfire evacuation and will be tested in the 2024 field season.

Drill holes DDH23-077 to DDH23-080 were collared at the Eagle 1 and Eagle 2 outcrops. These holes experienced HQ drill core recovery problems due to surface weathering and oxidation of the near-surface Eagle Zone horizon and thus, despite some encouraging gold assays, failed to produce sufficient drill core to provide a professionally reportable drill intersection within the initial 40 m drilled in these holes. Three of these holes were abandoned at around this depth. DDH23-078 also had poor recovery, but was extended at depth through the poor recovery area to test the Crown target with encouraging results as reported above. These near surface “infill” HQ diamond drill holes will be redone in the 2024 season with a modified core recovery technique to achieve higher core recovery. Previously reported and encouraging RC and channel sampling results remain valid for the Eagle 1 and Eagle 2 outcrops as those sampling techniques returned 100% recovery.

Results from 2023 diamond drilling at the Eagle and Crown Zones are summarized on Table 1 and the reported and highlight intersections are shown on the Royal Shear plan map in Figure 1, the Royal Shear longitudinal section in Figure 2, and the Eagle-Crown cross section in Figure 3. A summary of the best 25 drill holes with intersections exceeding 50 gram x metre from the 82 drill holes completed to date are shown on Table 2. A complete tabulation of prior diamond drill hole results for 2021 through 2022, and 2023 is available on the Company website. Additional updates, including the 2023 Olympic area exploration activity and plans for the 2024 drill season program remain to be reported in the coming weeks.

Endurance Gold Corporation is a company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of highly prospective North American mineral properties with the potential to develop world-class deposits.


Robert T. Boyd, President & CEO

Figure 1 – Reliance Property – Royal Shear Geology and Drill Plan
Figure 2 – Reliance 2023 Royal Shear Longitudinal
Figure 3 – Reliance 2023 Eagle-Crown Cross Section
Table 1 – 2023 Reliance Eagle Diamond Drill Hole Results – January 8, 2024
Table 2 – 2021 to 2023 – Reliance Diamond Drill Hole Intersections Exceeding 50 gram X metre

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