February 12, 2025

Getting up close to millions of dollars’ worth of gold with Mark Selby of RNC Minerals

17 December 2018

If there was one booth at Mines and Money London this year that had the crowds lining up for a selfie, it was RNC Minerals. Sitting in a highly polished display case, protected at all times by two security guards, was a selection of fantastic gold specimens from the Father’s Day vein in their now famous Beta Hunt Mine from the Kambalda mining district in Australia.

In the video you can get up close to the 93kg rock containing 1400 ounces of gold. That’s CAD 2.5 million worth of gold in just the one sample.

YouTube video

Mark Selby, the CEO & President of RNC Minerals was on hand to take us through exactly how the news of the discovery broke. Whilst this story is the stuff of dreams for many of us, Mark explains how RNC was struggling at the time of the discovery and had put the mine up for sale as they hadn’t been able to raise the capital necessary for the drilling planned. Unsurprisingly, the company is now fully cashed up, debt is cleared and they have a full drilling programme underway to fully develop the mine.

Mark also takes us through what their plans are for the future of the mine and how they think they can expand on their discovery to date.

About RNC Minerals
RNC Minerals is a Toronto based mining company that has a vision to be a prosperous mining company that grows through the acquisition and responsible development of a high-quality portfolio of base and precious metal assets. RNC has a 100% interest in the producing Beta Hunt gold mine located in Western Australia where a significant high grade gold discovery – “Father’s Day Vein” – was recently made.

For further information on RNC Minerals you can visit their website and follow them on Twitter @RNCMinerals

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MiningIR hosts a variety of articles from a range of sources. Our content, while interesting, should not be considered as formal financial advice. Always seek professional guidance and consult a range of sources before investing.
James Hyland, MiningIR