Chatting with Eden Asset Management’s Executive Director ESG 🌱 Chief Investment Officer, Nicholas Boyd-Mathews at the Resourcing Tomorrow London 2023

21 December 2023

Eden Asset Management Pty Ltd

by James Hyland, MiningIR

Tia Borden with MiningIR spoke with Eden Asset Management’s Executive Director ESG 🌱 Chief Investment Officer, Nicholas Boyd-Mathews, during the very successful Resourcing Tomorrow London 2023.

Eden Asset Management Pty Ltd, based in Perth, Western Australia, is a seasoned team of investment professionals focused on the resources sector. This location allows them easy access to a multitude of resources companies and projects, as well as a network of technical industry knowledge. The team’s expertise extends beyond resources investment to encompass project assessment, valuation, and corporate finance transactional work.

YouTube video
Eden Asset Management’s Executive Director ESG 🌱 Chief Investment Officer, Nicholas Boyd-Mathews

They manage the Eden Global Natural Resources UCITS Fund ESG Light Green Article 8 (SFDR), aiming for long-term growth through investing in natural resources equities including metals, mining, energy, and agriculture. The Fund operates on a global scale, targeting equities listed on recognized investment exchanges. Eden manages the fund actively, not following a benchmark index, and includes special situation investments in smaller-cap companies driven by transactions.

Nicholas Boyd-Mathews, the Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer at Eden Asset Management, brings over thirty years of experience in the funds management and financial services industry. With a significant portion of his career spent in London at firms like Morgan Stanley, NatWest, and Killik & Co., he has extensive experience in UCITS, global institutional sales, corporate advisory, research analysis, and capital markets. Nicholas founded Eden in 2014, offering portfolio management and corporate advisory services. He has a strong record in managing funds, notably outperforming peer group fund managers and the S&P 300 Australian Natural Resources Index as the founder and manager of the ACD Australian Natural Resources UCITS III Fund. His professional affiliations include the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, Financial Services Institute of Australasia, Stockbrokers and Financial Advisors Association, WAAMH, and the WA Mining Club. He is also a columnist on Livewire Markets, providing insights on global equity markets, commodities, energy, and agriculture.


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James Hyland, MiningIR