Podcast: Electric vehicles, rare earth projects in Tanzania and more with Peak Resources

5 April 2019

The Dig Deep mining podcast is produced by Rob Tyson, an experienced mining recruiter/head-hunter with over 10 years in the mining industry. Rob’s mission for his podcast is to discuss, educate and talk about mining industry news and hot topics.

In this episode Rob is joined by Rocky Smith, CEO of Peak Resources, who’s agreed to talk about the company’s exciting rare earth projects in Tanzania and England.

He explains why this unique project is coming into fruition and why they selected the UK as a base of operation, along with their aims, core principles and plans for the future.

Key Highlights:

  • Mining’s effect On Electric Vehicles – Rocky points out that the people who lead the electric vehicle revolution in years to come, will have to realise that additional resources will be needed to meet the demands of EV manufacturing; a fact that the mining industry is already planning for.
  • What makes Rocky’s projects different from other rare earth properties? Rocky identifies not just the size of the rare earth deposits he’s working on, but also the quality of the deposits. His have less phosphates and carbonates than usual, along with a rare lack of radionuclides. Rocky says that the revolutionary processes he is using means that their acid consumption is much lower, as well as the down-streaming costs. This reduces operational costs and makes his team a world leader in terms of cost position.
  • How does Brexit impact Rocky’s operations in the UK? Rocky’s reasons for choosing to mine in the UK were numerous, including readily available resources, the welcome of the community and suitable waste treatment, which is incredibly important. The infrastructure is there, which means less investment was needed. Economically and environmentally it makes sense to be there.
  • Rare earth metals are critical metals, and especially so to the EU. The mining of rare earth metals will not, in Rocky’s opinion, be significantly impacted by Brexit. They are mainly exempt from tariff issues. Any costs that arise from importing necessary elements into the UK can be absorbed by careful costing.
  • How are Peak Resources hoping to provide a sustainable business model, going forward? Sustainability has many different aspects. In Tanzania, Rocky works extensively alongside the local communities, building schools and investing in water supplies. Having a positive impact in the area is invaluable. It’s vital to invest in not just the current generation, but also future ones, which comes back to Rocky’s point about his operations being “generational”.

To find out more about Peak Resources visit their website, or follow them on Twitter @PeakResources

Get more episodes of the Dig Deep Podcast here – https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast To get in touch with Rob and find out more about Mining International Ltd, his leading mining recruitment and headhunting business then head to his website www.mining-international.org

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James Hyland, MiningIR