February 22, 2025

PowerOre gets ‘exceptional’ results from drilling at Opemiska copper complex, Quebec.

9 July 2019

Toronto’s PowerOre has stated results from their spring drilling program Opemiska Copper Mine Complex in the Chibougamau District of Quebec has ‘exceeded their expectations’.

Notable intersections from Holes 8 and 9 include:

6 metres at 0.29% copper equivalent over starting at 25.0 metres down hole in hole OPM-19-09, including:
• 0.77% copper equivalent over 19.6 metres from 26.4 metres and;
• 1.23% copper equivalent over 21.0 metres from 87.0 metres and;
• 1.03% copper equivalent over 16.0 metres from 296.0 metres.

2.91% copper equivalent over 8.0 metres starting at 87.0 metres down hole; and
0.52% copper equivalent over 12.4 metres from 116.6 metres in hole OPM-19-08.

Power Ore completed 23 diamond drill holes in this 3,364 metre drill campaign and will report the results for the remaining 14 holes when they receive them.

Commenting on the results, Stephen Stewart, CEO of PowerOre said that the mineralized width of 295 metres they obtained from hole 9 was exceptional considering the hole is near surface and the Opemiska Copper Complex is in the heart of the existing Chibougamau copper and gold district in Quebec, whilst mining infrastructure is already in place, along with an onsite railroad, power and roads.

He continued, “Opemiska has a well-defined high-grade vein system which comes right to surface, but this hole has exceed our expectations in terms of identifying new mineralization that exists in the rock outside of these veins.”

Section 4450 E looking west

Hole OPM-19-08

Hole 08, which is a twin of historical hole S587 intersected 8.0 metres of mineralized rock starting at 87.0 metres.  This interval returned an average grade of 2.91% CuEq.  Towards the bottom of the hole another mineralized interval returned 12.4 metres grading 0.52% CuEq starting at 116.6 metres.

Hole OPM-19-09

Hole 09, a twin of historical hole S61, and was mineralized virtually throughout, with our longest intersection to date, showing 295.6 metres of mineralized rock starting at 25 metres. This long interval returned 0.29% CuEq, and included higher grade zones—19.6 metres grading 0.77% CuEq from 26.4 metres, 21.0 metres grading 1.23% CuEq from 87.0 metres and 16.0 metres grading 1.03% CuEq from 296.0 metres.

YouTube video

About Opemiska Copper Mine Complex

The Opemiska Copper Complex is located adjacent to the town of Chapais, Quebec within the Chibougamau region. Opemiska is also within the Abitibi Greenstone belt and within the boundaries of the Province of Quebec’s Plan Nord which promotes and funds infrastructure and development of natural resource projects. The project consists of 11 mining claims and covers the past producing Springer & Perry mines which were owned and operated by Falconbridge. The project has excellent in place infrastructure including a powerstation and direct access to Highway 113 and the Canadian National Railway.

Opemiska was mined by Falconbridge as a high-grade underground mining operation and was in production for over 35 years prior to Ex-In acquiring the property in 1993.

For information and updates on Power Ore, visit: www.powerore.com  and follow them on Twitter @PowerOre

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James Hyland, MiningIR