Results from Surface Exploration Confirm Mapping, Define New Broad Target Areas at Pilar

8 April 2021

Tocvan Ventures Corp. is pleased to report results from surface exploration at its flagship Pilar Gold-Silver Project. The aim of the program was to advance key targets with no previous mapping or detailed sampling to drill ready status for a Phase II drill program scheduled to begin in April. A total of 207 rock chip samples were collected covering the entire property (Figure 1). Sampling at the new Triple Vein Zone target has returned anomalous values over a 400-meter strike length, highlighted by 4.5 g/t Au with 735 g/t Ag and 4.3 g/t Au with 96 g/t Ag. Sampling along the 4 Trench Extension returned anomalous values over a 600-meter trend highlighted by 19.9 g/t Au with 8 g/t Ag and 5.1 g/t Au with 142 g/t Ag.

Highlights from Surface Sampling:

Triple Vein Zone

  • 5 g/t Au and 735 g/t Ag, channel sample of quartz vein in previously unmapped artisanal working
  • 0 g/t Au and 8 g/t Ag, channel sample of oxidized brecciated andesite
  • 3 g/t Au and 96 g/t Ag, channel sample of oxidized brecciated andesite
  • 1 g/t Au and 24 g/t Ag, channel sample of vein in previously unmapped artisanal working
  • 8 g/t Au and 15 g/t Ag, channel sample of silicified brecciated andesite 3-meters thick

4-Trench Extension

  • 9 g/t Au and 8 g/t Ag, channel sample, andesite dyke with quartz
  • 1 g/t Au and 142 g/t Ag, grab float sample along vein strike
  • 7 g/t Au and 62 g/t Ag, grab float sample along vein strike
  • 4 g/t Au and 28 g/t Ag, channel sample of oxidized quartz vein
  • 9 g/t Au and 178 g/t Ag, channel sample of oxidized quartz vein

*All samples are rock channel or grab samples . Grab samples are selective and may not represent mineralization over wider intervals.

“The results released today confirm the new vein corridors recently identified by mapping are mineralized and carry similar grade to our Main Zone,” commented VP Exploration, Brodie Sutherland. “Our next phase of drilling will begin later this month. Not only do we have follow-up work to continue at our Main Zone with the recent surface exploration results we have no shortage of targets to test, especially along the 4 Trench Extension and the new Triple Vein Zone.”

Figure 1. 3D Target Map of Pilar Gold-Silver Project. New veins are outlined in red. Outside of the Main Zone the majority of the project area has not been drill tested.

About the Pilar Property

The Pilar Gold-Silver property is interpreted as a structurally controlled low-sulphidation epithermal project hosted in andesite and rhyolite rocks. Three zones of mineralization have been identified in the north-west part of the property from historic surface work and drilling and are referred to as the Main Zone, North Hill and 4 Trench. Structural features and zones of mineralization within the structures follow an overall NW-SE trend of mineralization. Over 19,200 m of drilling have been completed to date. Significant results are highlighted below:

  • 2020 Phase I RC Drilling Highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses):
    • 6m @ 1.6 g/t Au, including 1.5 m @ 9.2m @ 10.8 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag;
    • 2m @ 1.1 g/t Au, including 3.1m @ 6.0g/t Au and 12 g/t Ag ;
    • 4m @ 2.5 g/t Au and 73 g/t Ag, including 1.5m @ 33.4 g/t Au and 1,090 g/t Ag
  • 17,700m of Historic Core & RC drilling. Highlights include:
  • 61.0m @ 0.8 g/t Au
  • 5m @ 53.5g/t Au and 53 g/t Ag
  • 0m @ 9.6 g/t Au
  • 0m @ 10.2 g/t Au and 46 g/t Ag

Soil and Rock sampling results from undrilled areas indicate mineralization extends towards the southeast from the Main Zone and 4-Trench Zone. Recent Surface exploration has defined three new target areas: Triple Vein Zone, SE Vein Zone and 4 Trench Extension.

Brodie A. Sutherland, P.Geo., VP Exploration for Tocvan Ventures Corp. and a qualified person (“QP”) as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this release.

Sampling Methods

Samples collected are of rock grab and rock chips, grab samples are selective and not necessarily representative of the mineralization over wider widthsRock samples were shipped for sample preparation to ALS Limited in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico and for analysis at the ALS laboratory in North Vancouver. The ALS Hermosillo and North Vancouver facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025 certified. Gold was analyzed using 50-gram nominal weight fire assay with atomic absorption spectroscopy finish. Over limits for gold (>10 g/t), were analyzed using fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Silver and other elements were analyzed using a four-acid digestion with an ICP finish. Over limit analyses for silver (>100 g/t) were re-assayed using an ore-grade four-acid digestion with ICP-AES finish.

About Tocvan Ventures Corp.

Tocvan is a well-structured exploration development company. Tocvan was created in order to take advantage of the prolonged downturn the junior mining exploration sector, by identifying and negotiating interest in opportunities where management feels they can build upon previous success. Tocvan currently has approximately 27 million outstanding and is earning into two exciting opportunities. The Pilar Gold-Silver project in Sonora, Mexico and the Rogers Creek Copper project in southern British Columbia, management feels both projects represent tremendous opportunity to create shareholder value.

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