Gwen Preston, The Resource Maven, has published her latest video on the world of mining stocks. In this video she gives us some background on the US/China trade war currently kicking off. Gwen gives her take on why Huawei is a key focus of the current battle, and how if the US is serious about Intellectual property, privacy and level playing fields, then they need to take action if companies are seen as violating those rules.
Gwen’s take is that whilst there is an outside chance of some kind of deal being hammered out at the forthcoming G20 summit, this is very unlikely. We all want clarity and certainty in business, particularly with trying to work out the future pricing for base metals, and unfortunately that seems some way off.
The exception to the rule is gold. Gwen’s take is that the longer it takes for this trade dispute to be resolved, global growth will weaken, the Fed could cut rates, and gold could be where the smart money heads.