February 08, 2025

Endurance Announces Near-Surface Drilling Results From Eagle Zone – Highlights Include 5.15 Gpt Gold Over 21.6 M And 6.51 Gpt Gold Over 14.0 M

13 January 2025

Endurance Gold Corporation

TSX-V:EDG | OTC:ENDGF | Frankfurt:3EG

Endurance Gold Corporation announce assay results from the Eagle Zone and Crown Zone at the Company’s 100%-owned Reliance Gold Project.  During the 2024 season the Company completed 7,303 metres (“m”) of diamond drilling in 26 core holes of which nine (9) holes totalling 1,084 m were designed to better define the near-surface northern extent of the Eagle Zone and the transition to the deeper Crown Zone-style mineralization.  

Eighteen (18) gold-rich intercepts were returned from seven (7) of these drill holes, with multiple intercepts per hole.  Complete assay results are summarized in Table 1.

Highlights include:

  • Eagle Zone wasintersected by five (5) diamond drill holes returning:
    • DDH24-100:  5.15 grams per tonne (“gpt”) gold over 21.6 m including 9.97 gpt gold over 5.9 m,
    • DDH24-104:  6.51 gpt gold over 14.0 m including 36.3 gpt gold over 1.0 m,
    • DDH24-095:  4.31 gpt gold over 7.1 m,
    • DDH24-098:  6.20 gpt gold over 7.8 m including 10.70 gpt gold over 2.6 m,
    • DDH24-101:  4.61 gpt gold over 4.8 m and 3.51 gpt gold over 12.4 m.
  • Crown Zone and Eagle/Crown Transition:
    • Six (6) diamond drill holes intersected Crown Zone vein-style mineralization interpreted to be a steeper down dip extension of the shallower dipping Eagle Zone.  Highlight results include:
    • DDH24-095:  4.15 gpt gold over 7.5 m including 9.11 gpt gold over 1.2 m and 13.15 gpt gold over 1.4m,
    • DDH24-098: 10.49 gpt gold over 2.4 m including 23.40 gpt gold over 0.9 m,
    • DDH24-098:second intercept of 5.84 gpt gold over 8.1m,
    • DDH24-100:  4.24 gpt gold over 1.3 m,
    • DDH24-104:  5.32 gpt gold over 3.0 m including 16.75 gpt gold over 0.7m,
    • DDH24-105:  4.08 gpt gold over 1.0 m,
    • DDH24-107:  1.85 gpt gold over 6.3 m including 5.58 gpt gold over 0.6 m and 8.66 gpt gold over 0.6m.
  • The Eagle Zone has now been intersected by 40 diamond drill holes over 550 m strike length with a weighted average grade of 4.70 gpt gold and average drill composite length of 15.7 m.  The shallow-dipping mineralized structure is up to 150 m in horizontal width and all the drill intersections are within 100 m of surface

“These near-surface high quality diamond drill intersections at the northwest end of the Eagle Zone raises our confidence in the Eagle Zone geology and mineralization model, and the predictability of defining the high-grade near-surface mineralization.  The Eagle Zone extends to surface for 550 meters of trend with all the excellent average width and grade drill intersections located within 100 m of surface.” 

“We now interpret that the near surface Eagle Zone transitions into the steeper dipping, vein-related mineralization in the Crown Zone where mineralization is open to expansion at depth.”

stated Robert T. Boyd, CEO of Endurance Gold Corporation.

Figure 1 is a drill hole location map displaying simplified surface geology along the Royal Shear and showing the Eagle, Crown, Imperial and Diplomat mineralized zones.  Assay results for the newly reported intervals from Eagle and Crown Zones are listed in Table 1.  All results are reported as core length intervals.  True composite widths are estimated at 70% to 100% of core length. 

Northern Extent of Eagle – The 2024 drilling program was successful at defining the northern extent of the Eagle Zone with large diameter drill core.  In this northern area the shallow-dipping Eagle Zone is approximately 80 m wide and is bounded to the west by a silicified and iron carbonate altered tectonic breccia related to the Royal Shear Fault.  To the east, the Eagle Zone is bounded by basal chert and gabbro. This steeper-dipping eastern bounding structure exhibits wider mineralized breccia textures near surface (Eagle-style), and vein-controlled mineralization at depth (Crown-style). Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the 2024 drill holes at the northern extent of Eagle in vertical cross sections #1 and #2.

Central Eagle – The shallow-dipping Eagle Zone continues to the south for approximately 550 m where it expands up to 150 m in horizontal width (see Figure 4 and Figure 5 ).  In this central part of the Eagle Zone a second steeply dipping mineralized structure (Eagle South) develops along the footwall of the Royal Shear Fault where previously reported drilling has returned intersections such as 15.68 gpt gold over 2.8 m (DDH23-069) and 3.94 gpt gold over 7.2 m (DDH22-025).   The eastern bounding structure continues along the 500 m strike length of the Eagle Zone with vein-style mineralization such as 7.91 gpt gold over 3.7 m (DDH23-070) and 5.71 gpt gold over 5.6 m (DDH21-021).

Endurance Gold Corporation is a company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of highly prospective North American mineral properties.


Robert T. Boyd, President & CEO

Endurance Gold Corporation   www.endurancegold.com
Toll Free: (877) 624 2237[email protected]

Diamond drill core was logged and evaluated on the Property and samples designated for assay analysis under the supervision of a geologist at the property. Drilling was completed with HQ and NQ size tools capable of collecting 6.35 and 4.76 centimetre diameter core (respectively). Drill core was cut using a diamond saw with one half of the core sent for analysis and the remaining kept for future studies. All drill core samples were submitted to ALS Global in North Vancouver, BC, an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory, where they were crushed to 70% <2 mm then up to 250 gram pulverized to <75 microns. Samples were then submitted for four-acid digestion and analyzed for 48 element ICP-MS (ME-MS61) and gold 30g FA ICP-AES finish (AU-ICP21). Over limit samples returning greater than 10 parts per million (“ppm”) gold were re-analyzed by Au-GRA21 methodology and overlimit antimony returning greater than 10,000 ppm Sb were re-analyzed by Sb-AA08 methodology. Samples with Visible Gold were re-analysed by metallics screening method Au-SCR21 which incorporates a 1 kg pulp screened to 100 microns and includes assaying of the entire oversize fraction.

Endurance Gold monitors QA/QC by inserting blanks, certified standards and pulp duplicates into the sample stream.  The work program is supervised by Darren O’Brien, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration of the Company and the qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.  Mr. O’Brien has reviewed and approved this news release.Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.  This news release may contain forward looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of factors beyond its control, and actual results may differ materially from the expected results.

Figure 1: Reliance Property 2024 – Drill Hole Locations and Surface Geology
Figure 2: Eagle Zone – Cross Section #1 – DDH24-095 -097 -098 -104
Figure 3: Eagle Zone – Cross Section #2 – DDH24-100 -101 -095
Figure 4: Eagle Zone – Cross Section #3
Figure 5: Eagle Zone – Cross Section #4

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James Hyland, MiningIR